Sharing my love for cooking has changed my life in a beautiful way

I started Fueled Naturally in 2014.
I was 19 at the time when I decided to change my lifestyle to a vegan one.

I was exploring so many new ways of thinking,

Where my food came from, discovering new fruits and vegetables, becoming a more conscious and mindful person.

From a very young age I was very fascinated by cooking, I loved watching the food network and was always in awe of how my grandmothers, tias and mom moved around so effortlessly in the kitchen.

Choosing to live a vegan lifestyle and eat a plant-based diet gave me the inspiration to do what I always dreamt of doing, and that was to become a great home cook.


Within the first weeks of eating a vegan diet, I started my blog Fueled Naturally & fell fully in love with cooking, plant-based eating and sharing my life and recipes online.

Seven years later, I have grown this beautiful community I am beyond grateful for.

Thank you for being here.

My AFN Familia


my life partner, husband, professional dishwasher, cooking class bartender and number one supporter


The king of the house, lover of anything home cooked


Sweet girl who protects our family and loves all the attention